Table Talk Tuesday 3 Emotions, how to internalize them and let them float on by. Emotions, positive, negative or indifferent. We all go through a day and feel a range of emotions that is called life. BUT how can we allow the negative, fearful, sad or angry emotions flow on by like fluffy cloud and …
Energy Update 2 You’re not alone, 5 tips to manage these energies that are coming in. Energies are very much ramping up and with the new moons full moons, the planetary alignments, solar flares, retrogrades and the eclipses coming our way how do we stay grounded and balanced to stay in our sovereignty?
Table Talk Tuesday 2 What is a synchronicity and how can we recognize them? We all have seen those numbers, you know the ones on clocks, license plates, receipts. Songs on the radio, out of the blue phone call just in time. A feather, penny a shooting star. In that moment, the universe is trying …